2011 and 2012 has been a very significant period of time in my whole 19 years of living. It's a period of time full of firsts and I've never felt so much change within myself as rapid and as many in such a short amount of time. From the end of 2011 to the present day, I've been endlessly brought outside my comfort zone and tried many things I've never considered before, some I'm not proud of but nevertheless, new.
I've created many blogs before this. I've succeeded into remaining loyal to some. However, most are left abandoned.
However, this blog will be different. Whereas my previous blogs were meant to exhibit fun and my-then-teenaged emotions, I want to show you my life and my thoughts through this blog. I want to show you my mind, my travels, my opinions and not just mindless fun anymore because life is definitely not some kind of mindless fun if you want to take life seriously and make something out of yourself.
I'd like to also add that this blog is inspired by my mom and dad who wishes to know what's happening in my life more. I realize that I'm not the best verbal communicator, particularly to them and admittedly, ever since young, I never really knew the right moments to tell my story.
Except in writing.
So mom and dad, here's my mind, in writing. I hope I'll continue writing in this blog because I now have a purpose to why I blog.
And to those of you strangers who never really knew me, here's me...
Hi. My name is Ardinny Razania. As of right now I'm 19 years old. I'm a journalism student at Northwestern University in Qatar but frankly, I really don't know what I want to be in the future. I have a really bad understanding of English grammar so you will see (or you might have seen already in this post) some really awkward grammar, so excuse me. I'm Indonesian but I've moved so much in my life I really think my nationality is just my passport label. And that's the honest truth.
I chose the picture above because I thought it's a photo, but it's not an overly perfect picture of me. I have crooked teeth, I had a bruise on my right arm. That's me, in the living colour. Nothing forcefully posed or photoshopped.
I don't intend for this blog to be any sort of journalism work. Sometimes a blog is just a blog, and this is my blog, my personal blog and I will put whatever I wish in any form and structure.
As I post more and more in the future, you will bound to see my likes, my dislikes and my hobby. So I won't put any sort of information from those categories in this post.
Thus ends my introduction and the start of my new (and hopefully a long-lasting one) blog.
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