Friday, March 1, 2013

First two days of spring break:

Recently I've been absolutely hooked on instagram and I sadly became one of those people who can't help but post at least one picture every day. Overtime, my photos began to have a theme, that is 'the highlight of my day.' Of course, sometimes I just have one of those days that are mundane and an exact replica of the previous, in which case, I do not post anything. Anyway, I decided to give myself a 10 day challenge during my spring break and post things which are the highlight of my day. It's kind of almost an instaglog or blogram of sorts (yes that's me trying to awkwardly mash instagram and blog into one sentence). So these are some whaddups of the first two days of my spring break. In instagram format.

Day 1 - A very healthy morning. Decided to gym early and then hit the pool afterwards. Jacuzzi time was awesome.